Our Core Values

The things we value set the tone for how we get things accomplished at The Bridge.  These values provide us direction, guide our decisions, and shape how we respond to the world around us.

  • Community- We will seek to meet the spiritual and physical needs of those around us (Mark 6:34)

  • Love-  We will model unconditional love (John 13:35)

  • Acceptance- We believe Christ died for all- no exceptions.  (Rev 22:17)

  • Relevance- We will do anything short of sin to reach those who are apart from God (1 Cor 9:21-23)

  • Integrity- We will live our lives in a way that exemplifies Christ (Phil 4:8)

  • Truth- We will never compromise the truth, though we will speak it in love (Eph 4:14-16)

  • You- We believe everyone has a specific purpose in the Kingdom of God (1 Cor 12:12)

By maintaining our focus on our Core Values, God will provide clear direction in our daily lives and in our ministry. That sense of direction will also come literally, as the first letter in each of our Core Values spells out the word CLARITY!

